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Howard Glasser/NHA in the Media

By March 5, 2015March 10th, 2017News – Mar 23 2016 – In his own words, Howard Glasser was a “doozy of a kid — as difficult as they come.” Having known all too well the ins and outs of a challenging childhood, for the last 20 years, Howard has been fueling a Nurtured Heart Approach of working and communicating with children.  Listen to the entire webcast here.

NHA in the UK:  Alastair Gardiner shared this news with the Foundation and Mr. Glasser recently-

 Paul Maguire (Certified Trainer) and his staff team introduced NHA into a very challenging children’s home in 2009 with great success and they have recently received their fifth Outstanding inspection report. They are now in the top 3% performing homes in the country. This was recognised at a national level and two weeks ago they were visited by a number of Members of Parliament and government advisors from the Education Select Committee. They are responsible for monitoring Sir Martin Narey who is conducting a national review into residential childcare on behalf of the government. They were really impressed by NHA and how this could improve the quality of outcomes for children and set a template for creating relationships in care environments.

The Children’s Minister Edward Timpson has also highlighted the positive impact of NHA in relation to a long standing piece of work I have been involved in with Adoption Matters North West and Caritas Care in creating a Centre of Excellence for Post Adoption Support. This has involved training over two hundred adoptive parents and social workers across four different local authorities.

It’s fantastic news that NHA is beginning to receive some recognition at a national level and we are keen now to build on this success. We are hoping this will be the tipping point of eight years hard work in integrating NHA into mainsteam care and education services.  (February 2016)

New Jersey Department of Children and Families:
DCF Awarded $12 Million SAMHSA Grant to Support Children’s Mental Health Services Expansion
Grant Provides Opportunity to Enhance Lives for Youth with Behavioral Challenges

July 23, 2015

TRENTON – The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) has won a $12 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to assist with mental health services for youth with complex behavioral health challenges.  The grant’s award period stretches from September 2015 to September 2019.

“The Federal government has provided New Jersey with a transformational opportunity to not only move the Children’s System of Care forward, but to make an even greater difference in the lives of youth with complex behavioral health challenges and mentally ill youth,” said DCF Commissioner Allison Blake.

During the project’s first year, DCF’s Children’s System of Care (CSOC) will introduce two trauma-informed interventions: Six Core Strategies for Reducing Seclusion and Restraint Use and the Nurtured Heart Approach. Middlesex, Morris, and Sussex will serve as pilot counties.

The pilot project’s four measurable goals aim to:

  • reduce the percentage of youth in the system of care who require multiple episodes of out-of-home treatment;
  • reduce the percentage of youth who re-enter treatment after discharge from an initial treatment episode;
  • reduce the average length of stay for youth in out-of-home treatment from 11.5 to 9 months; and
  • analyze and understand the impact of each type of system investment in order to make future resource allocation decisions.

Read the entire release here.  Mar 30, 2015 – Howard Glasser shares , “If I were the voice of the universe, I would communicate me through you. I would give you ways and words that would support you in making your life an inspiring expression of my nature.”  Read the entire article in the following blog post.


People’s Pharmacy!  Mar 21, 2015 – “Integrative pediatrician Sanford Newmark has found that with treating the whole child by considering family situation, nutrition and behavior modification techniques, it is often possible to help kids manage their symptoms of ADHD and succeed even without taking medications.”  Dr. Newmark is the author of ADHD without Drugs.  You can listen to the podcast on here for a limited time  or here.



NHA BlogTalkRadio – On Demand! Join our hosts the 3rd Friday of the month, Howard Glasser, creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach and Catherine Stafford, Certified Advanced Trainer, Parent coach and Therapist as they interview guests sharing implementation of the Nurtured Heart Approach and personal stories of greatness.
Register for updates, notifications and current information on upcoming shows at NHA Podcasts

WMNF.orgNurtured Heart Approach

WCCORadio-MN – April 3 2014 – Jordana Green interviews Howard Glasser about the feature article in the April edition of Esquire, The Drugging of the American Boy. An archived audio recording of the interview is available online at WCCO Radio. Click on the 10pm show for April 3.

Esquire Magazine (April 2014) – Featured article, The Drugging of the American Boy by feature writer, Ryan D’Agostino, shares additional insight into the Nurtured Heart Approach with Howard Glasser as one of the contributors. The Drugging of the American Boy

WCCO 830 AM Radio:  Alternatives to ADD/ADHD Medications Howard Glasser, Creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach, John Hines, WCCO Radio 830 Morning Anchor

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Howard Glasser
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